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Seven Tips on Speaking to the Hearing Impaired

On Dec 3, 2018 I gave a presentation at GATE Academy to K-8th graders on Seven Tips on Speaking to the Hearing Impaired. It was exceptionally rewarding and inspiring, as addressing children always is. This topic is dear to me as I have struggled through classrooms and life with only half my hearing. It took me a lifetime to learn how to advocate for my needs, or even just to understand that I had special needs and not to be ashamed about that. In teaching these kids how to speak to someone with special needs hearing, I hoped to accomplish two very important things.

  1. To teach them that we all have needs, and some of us special needs, and that that’s ok.
  2. Getting an early acceptance of yourself and ability to speak up for what you need is a gift. This is healthy self-advocacy.

At this school, every six weeks the children deliver an oral presentation on a topic they have researched and written a presentation on. It turns out that these same seven tips are also excellent public speaking guidance! As I listened to their presentations the week after my presentation, I certainly heard a difference. This is the gift of accepting and presenting yourself.

Please read below to learn more about the 'Seven Tips' and Thank you GATE Academy for a wonderful experience!

Seven Tips On Speaking to the Hearing Impaired

  1. Look right in the eyes of the person you’re talking to, so they can read your lips

  2. Keep the view of your mouth unobstructed

  3. Enunciate

  4. Speak at a reasonable pace

  5. Project out- use the octave in your voice that will get your voice the furthest out. Is that a low sound? Is that a high sound?

  6. Use body language and gestures

  7. Politely repeat keywords

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