How do I Use Sound To Help My Feelings Of Loss?

Podcast Interview
I started the new year giving a podcast interview on Jan 6 to Dr. Ivy Margulies of Angels Born Still. Dr. Margulies is a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles specializing in maternal mental health, including postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, reproductive challenges, miscarriage, and newborn loss and grief. I loved this interview. It was refreshing to speak with such a devoted practitioner, seeking always to find ways to help her clients, and expand her awareness as a pioneer in her field. There is a special place in my heart for those who hold the more difficult moments of our human experience.
As I prepared for the podcast, there were two main, deeply impactful threads that appeared. Firstly, I was so gratified to bring my practices of using sound to deal with loss to Dr. Margulies and her listeners. Sound is a powerful tool for releasing stuck emotions and helping us back into a healthy, integrated rhythm in our lives. Secondly, it was a chance for me to remember my own eventful reproductive history, and to connect and share my story with others. As a woman, I think it is important that we feel empowered to speak of this central, defining experience of being female. Whether we have children or not, we are each asked to face our powers as a being capable of creating life (and anything else we set our minds to). That means something different for each one of us, and I honor each meaning, in its full spectrum from grief to joy.
So thank you Dr. Margulies for an expanding an inspiring beginning to 2019!
Here is her website if you or anyone you know is seeking support with these issues:
Click here to hear the free podcast.
Grief is important.
It is also important to take a break from grief. Here are some sound ideas to help keep the energy moving and not get stuck in the grief.
Three Guidelines:
- Hold an intention (ie. Choose compassion or joy rather than sadness)
- Select music or modality based on that intention
- Clear the space and allow the music to guide you
Five Practices:
- Use music to change your thoughts/mood; keep a playlist, IE: happy songs, calming songs, energetic songs, songs to sit in traffic by
- Use specific frequency embedded music to meditate-,
- Go to a sound bath, sound healing; use a vibration bed to release stored energy
- Use music to dance, release pain in your body-
- Find an instrument you resonate with and play it- your voice, a crystal bowl, tuning
Remember, your voice is a powerful instrument.
Every natural voice is a perfect healing instrument.
For questions as to how this could work for you email Elizabeth.
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