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Success Alpha Beta Boost for Binaural Focus & Motivation

Success with Alpha Beta Boost for Focus & Meditation by Randy Emata and Elizabeth Krasnoff comes to you as our first release in the SUCCESS category. Make setting your intention before you act a priority in your fast pace lifestyle.

Support an intention to lift up your spirit and drive with these global rhythms, lush layers of exotic melodies and inspiring vocals. Alpha brain waves draw your focus within, with beta brain waves sharpen your mind for maximum productivity and success at the task at hand.

Learn more about the producer of Success, Randy Emata, in this month's Music Producer Profile.

The track of the month is only a thirty second sample of the full track.

That is because Sound Medicine® binaural beats have moved to a subscription only app conveniently available on your smart phones. Available now on the apple app store or google play!

And don't forget to send me a video with a few lines of how you use your binaural beats track - or how it works for you - and I’ll share it in the next newsletter.

Be sure to check out our other Binaural Beats Tracks.